Yeshiva Har Torah

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Tzedakah and Chesed


Instilling the importance of tzedakah and chesed in our students is a critical part of what we do. To that end, Yeshiva Har Torah organizes and facilitates a wide range of projects throughout the year in which our students and families are encouraged to participate. These projects are too numerous to list in full here but some recent examples of organizations to which our students and families have contributed include Hatzolah, Friends of Sderot, Zichron Menachem, Chai Lifeline, IDF Chanukah Dollar Campaign, Ateret Kohanim, and Tomchei Shabbos of Queens. Recent examples of chesed projects include sending mishloach manot to chayalim, a group hair donation by students and faculty for children with cancer in Israel, visiting and performing at local senior living centers, the IDF's Adopt-A-Unit, annual Yachad shabbatons, visiting our local NYPD precinct and FDNY engine company, and renovating a sefer torah for an IDF base through the Oz Ve'Hadar Project. See below for videos of some of our tzedakah projects.